Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Feedback and Support - The Crucible of Self-Editing a Sci Fi Novel.

I've updated the first chapters of the novel. Feedback from family, in particular my brother, has been super helpful. I receive these stinging remarks on errors but they're all true. Big brother is watching (1984) alright.

Another big plus is that my sister-in-law is on a promotion tour in the Philippines! She's getting my book out there with my bro-in-law in tow.

Thank you both for your support. I appreciate the efforts that are being made on my behalf without my even having asked. You three have been incredible.

Also - a huge shot out to Nic and Marlina, you two are awesome. Reading, feedback, reviews on Amazon, and selfies to boot! Let's have more of that please. Thank you so much for your support.

More support has come in the form of selfies - many thanks to you all. Also - finished another short story. A collection of short stories, perhaps an anthology?

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